
QuizWizard: Simplify Content Quizification for Engaging Learning

Content quizification made easy.

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AI Directory : AI Quizzes

QuizWizard Website screenshot

What is QuizWizard?

Turn any video, article, or Google Doc into an engaging, AI-powered quiz in just one click. Then, seamlessly embed your quizzes on your site and use them to engage your audience and convert them into email subscribers.

How to use QuizWizard?

1. Choose a video, article, or Google Doc to convert into a quiz. 2. Click a button to generate an AI-powered quiz. 3. Embed the quiz on your website. 4. Engage your audience and convert them into email subscribers.

QuizWizard's Core Features

Video to Quiz

G Docs To Quiz

Blog Post To Quiz

Export Your Quizzes To Google Forms

Designed Meticulously To Maximize Email Signups

QuizWizard's Use Cases

Transform Videos into Interactive Quizzes

Instantly Turn Blogs into Quizzes

Create Dynamic Quizzes from Documents

Create Quizzes in Multiple Languages

Embed Your Quizzes Anywhere, Effortlessly

Easily Publish and Share Your Quizzes

Collect Submissions Effortlessly

Accelerate Your Email List Growth

FAQ from QuizWizard

What is QuizWizard?

Turn any video, article, or Google Doc into an engaging, AI-powered quiz in just one click. Then, seamlessly embed your quizzes on your site and use them to engage your audience and convert them into email subscribers.

How to use QuizWizard?

1. Choose a video, article, or Google Doc to convert into a quiz.n2. Click a button to generate an AI-powered quiz.n3. Embed the quiz on your website.n4. Engage your audience and convert them into email subscribers.

What are the pricing tiers for the quiz generator?

QuizWizard offers different pricing tiers, including a yearly Pro plan, a most popular plan, and an Enterprise plan. The pricing details can be found on the website.

How do credits work in your pricing model?

QuizWizard's pricing model is based on the number of quizzes you generate and embed. Each plan comes with a specific number of quizzes per year or lifetime, depending on the plan you choose.

How secure is the payment process?

QuizWizard ensures a secure payment process by utilizing secure payments with Stripe, a trusted and reliable payment gateway.

Can I roll over unused credits to the next day?

QuizWizard's pricing model does not include a rollover of unused credits. The number of quizzes allotted for each plan is fixed per year or lifetime.

What support options are available for Enterprise clients?

Enterprise clients have access to priority support, which ensures that their inquiries and issues are addressed promptly and efficiently.

What if I encounter technical issues?

If you encounter any technical issues, you can reach out to QuizWizard's support team through the contact details provided on the website. They will assist you in resolving the issues.

What are the methods of payment you accept?

QuizWizard accepts payments through secure payments with Stripe. They provide a safe and convenient payment process for customers.

Previous 27/10/2024 18:24
Next 27/10/2024 21:35

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