Best context Tools
16x Prompt
Streamlined platform for coding prompts.
Chat with Page – Chrome Extension
Ask questions on any page, get answers based on context.
ChatGPT Suffix Manager – Chrome Extension
Easily add and manage suffixes for ChatGPT questions.
FreshFeed is a Search Engine designed specifically for GPT & other LLMs to help them use the latest information and avoid hallucination. Because If we can\’t think without Google, why to expect from GPT 🤷🏻♂️
FreshFeed is a Search Engine designed specifically for GPT & other LLMs to help them use the latest information and avoid hallucination. Because If we can\’t think without Google, why to expect from GPT 🤷🏻♂️
scite is a platform that helps researchers discover and understand research articles by showing how they have been cited. It allows users to read the context of citation and understand if it provides supporting or contrasting evidence for the cited claim. With over 1.2 billion Smart Citations, researchers can find expert analyses and opinions on all topics.
Pieces for Developers
Pieces for Developers is an AI-powered code snippet manager and workflow context tool. It allows developers to save, enrich, generate, search, and reuse key developer materials such as code snippets, screenshots, and work-in-progress materials.
AIRadio.Host is an AI DJ radio host presenter that takes your radio station to the next level. Our AI DJ plays non-stop music online with a voice that will keep your audience entertained.