Best Academic papers Tools
scite is a platform that helps researchers discover and understand research articles by showing how they have been cited. It allows users to read the context of citation and understand if it provides supporting or contrasting evidence for the cited claim. With over 1.2 billion Smart Citations, researchers can find expert analyses and opinions on all topics.
Instaphrase is an automated report engine that automates the entire research, writing, and formatting process for assignments and reports.
- is an AI-powered platform that allows users to summarize any book, video, paper, or article and quickly extract the key message within minutes. It helps users stay on top of the information flow and saves time by condensing lengthy content into bite-sized summaries.
The Best AI Essay Writing Assistant
Integrate all paths to knowledge. TXYZ.AI is a revolutionary platform that enhances the research pipeline with AI-powered reading, searching, and writing for unparalleled efficiency.
Paperade is an AI-powered tool that generates commercial use cases and company ideas from over 100 million academic papers and research studies.
Connected Papers
Connected Papers is a visual tool to help researchers and applied scientists find academic papers relevant to their field of work.