Spectrm Conversational Marketing Automation Platform's Core Features
Zero party data utilization
Conversational marketing automation
AI-driven chatbots for customer engagement
Spectrm Conversational Marketing Automation Platform's Use Cases
Guide shoppers with personal assistants
Re-activate CRM contacts and upsell them
Convert live shopping views into sales
Educate buyers to capture qualified leads
Drive valuable actions beyond app downloads
Increase MAUs and revenue per user
Spectrm Conversational Marketing Automation Platform Company
Spectrm Conversational Marketing Automation Platform Company name: Spectrm Ltd .
More about Spectrm Conversational Marketing Automation Platform, Please visit the about us page(https://spectrm.io/why-spectrm/about/).
Spectrm Conversational Marketing Automation Platform Pricing
Spectrm Conversational Marketing Automation Platform Pricing Link: https://spectrm.io/pricing/
Spectrm Conversational Marketing Automation Platform Facebook
Spectrm Conversational Marketing Automation Platform Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/SpectrmConversationalMarketing
Spectrm Conversational Marketing Automation Platform Linkedin
Spectrm Conversational Marketing Automation Platform Linkedin Link: https://www.linkedin.com/company/spectrm/
Spectrm Conversational Marketing Automation Platform Twitter
Spectrm Conversational Marketing Automation Platform Twitter Link: https://twitter.com/spectrm_