Sourcio's Core Features
Talent Sourcing: Sourcio suggests the most relevant candidates from all over the web, leveraging state-of-the-art GPTs.
Application Management: Rank resumes and find applicants with the highest skills.
Hyper-Personalization: Personalize outreach and applicant messaging at scale.
Automized, Personalized Outreach: Hyper-personalize messages and send them automatically with finetuned LLMs.
Evaluate Skills and Review Applicants: Automize interview scheduling and personalized rejection messages.
Scalability: Sourcio supports any hiring targets and scales infinitely.
Cost Savings: Compared to the average Talent Sourcer salary in Germany, Sourcio saves you 87%.
24/7 Working Hours: Sourcio works tirelessly and is available round the clock.
Sourcio's Use Cases
Revolutionize recruitment and talent acquisition processes
Efficiently source top candidates from all over the web
Rank resumes and identify applicants with the highest skills
Automate personalized outreach and applicant messaging
Streamline interview scheduling and rejection messages
Save costs in comparison to traditional Talent Sourcers
Ensure continuous productivity with 24/7 working hours
Sourcio Company
Sourcio Company name: Kleoverse Oy .
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