
ScribeFlows : Chat Across Documents & Generate Content Efficiently

Chat with multiple documents and generate content

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AI Directory : AI Chatbot, AI Content Generator, Writing Assistants

ScribeFlows Website screenshot

What is ScribeFlows?

Chat with multiple documents and generate content

How to use ScribeFlows?

1. Sign up with ScribeFlows 2. Chat with multiple documents 3. Generate text automatically 4. Use customizable templates 5. Streamline your productivity

ScribeFlows's Core Features

AI Chat with multiple files or documents at once

AI Text generation simplifying tasks and boost efficiency

AI Content templates optimizing daily productivity

ScribeFlows's Use Cases

Effortlessly juggle multiple files and documents simultaneously

Streamline your daily routine by generating relevant texts automatically

Redefine daily productivity by effortlessly streamlining tasks and maximizing efficiency across your workflow

FAQ from ScribeFlows

What is ScribeFlows?

Chat with multiple documents and generate content

How to use ScribeFlows?

1. Sign up with ScribeFlowsn2. Chat with multiple documentsn3. Generate text automaticallyn4. Use customizable templatesn5. Streamline your productivity

Is ScribeFlows Free?

Yes. Free users have up to 5 files for free with a maximum file size (for 1 file) to be 5MB. For users having 15 documents, a Standard Plan with file size max. 10MB while 20+ documents for a Pro Plan with a file size max. of 20MB.

Are the files or documents secured?

Yes. Your files and documents are secured with ScribeFlows. We are using industry standard security measures for security. We use encryption cloud storage for your files which guarantee safety protecting your information. Plus, you can ask for deletion of your data completely anytime.

Is questioning multiple documents possible?

Absolutely! With our AI-powered platform, questioning multiple documents simultaneously is not only possible but also streamlined for efficiency. Our advanced algorithms can analyze and extract relevant information from multiple documents at once, providing comprehensive insights in a fraction of the time.

How is ScribeFlows compatible with file formats?

Absolutely! ScribeFlows supports a wide range of file formats, including DOCX, PDF, TXT, and more. Whether you´re working with text documents, spreadsheets, or presentations, ScribeFlows ensures compatibility, allowing users to seamlessly import, edit, and export documents in their preferred formats without any hassle.

What´s the next major feature for ScribeFlows?

ScribeFlows will provide document collaboration by providing a centralized platform where multiple users can collaborate in real-time. Through features like version control, commenting, and track changes, ScribeFlows ensures seamless collaboration, allowing teams to work together efficiently and effectively on documents from anywhere.

Previous 10/06/2024 06:52
Next 10/06/2024 07:07

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