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PostPerfect Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ from PostPerfect

What is PostPerfect?

PostPerfect is an AI-powered tool that enhances and improves your tweets in different styles. It integrates with your Twitter account and provides customizable style options, allowing you to transform your tweets instantly.

How to use PostPerfect?

To use PostPerfect, simply sign up and integrate it with your Twitter account. Once connected, you can customize your tweeting style by selecting pre-defined styles or even creating your own. When composing a tweet, PostPerfect will generate improved suggestions based on the selected style. After tweeting, you can easily remove all suggestions with the one-click clearing option.

How does PostPerfect work?

PostPerfect integrates with your Twitter account and provides customizable style options right inside your browser. Once you select a style, PostPerfect generates an improved tweet for you.

Can I add my own styles to PostPerfect?

Yes! You can add or delete as many styles as you like to customize your tweeting experience.

Can I use PostPerfect on mobile devices?

Unfortunately, PostPerfect is available only for desktop devices and works only on Chrome and Chromium-based browsers such as Google Chrome, Arc, Microsoft Edge, Brave, Vivaldi, etc.

Does PostPerfect track anything?

No, we do not send any data on how you use PostPerfect. It operates 100% locally inside your browser.

Why are my suggestions not perfect sometimes?

PostPerfect uses the powerful GPT 3.5 Turbo model, but the suggestions generated may not always be perfect. The 'System prompt' is constantly being improved with updates to enhance its performance over time.

What social media platforms are supported?

Currently, only Twitter is supported, but we are planning to add support for LinkedIn, Reddit, and Facebook soon.

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