
PlotPilot: Transforming Ideas into Auditory Magic with Story App

The all-in-one story app that turns your ideas into auditory magic.

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AI Directory : AI Book Writing, AI Character, AI Content Generator, AI Creative Writing, AI Response Generator, AI Story Writing, Large Language Models (LLMs), Prompt

PlotPilot Website screenshot

What is PlotPilot?

The all-in-one story app that turns your ideas into auditory magic.

How to use PlotPilot?

Simply type an idea and dive into a universe crafted by your imagination!

PlotPilot’s Core Features

Generate AI Audiobooks

Immersive stories

40+ unique voices

Context-based ambient sounds

PlotPilot’s Use Cases

Adventure, Action, Horror, Romance, Sci-Fi, Documentary, Western, Education, Fantasy, Non-Fiction, Mystery, Historical

FAQ from PlotPilot

What is PlotPilot?

The all-in-one story app that turns your ideas into auditory magic.

How to use PlotPilot?

Simply type an idea and dive into a universe crafted by your imagination!

How does PlotPilot work?

PlotPilot is a cutting-edge AI-powered audiobook app that brings your story ideas to life. Simply input a brief description or concept of your story, and PlotPilot takes care of the rest. With sophisticated algorithms, it identifies the genre and mood of your story, selects a fitting narration style, and adds immersive background ambiance. It creates a lifelike and engaging audiobook uniquely crafted for your tale, without any need for manual adjustments or customization.

How much does PlotPilot Cost?

There are multiple pricing options available for PlotPilot. Free users get 2 free credits per week. Subscription plans include PlotPilot Pro (Annual – $79.99/year) with 400 Creation Credits spread across the year, PlotPilot Pro (Monthly – $11.99/month) with 36 Creation Credits every month, and PlotPilot (Weekly – $2.99/week) with 8 Creation Credits every week. Additionally, there are packs available for purchase with different quantities of generations.

Is PlotPilot available on both Android and iOS?

PlotPilot is currently available exclusively for iOS devices. However, a version for Android is in development and is scheduled for release shortly after the iOS launch. Stay tuned for updates to know when PlotPilot becomes available on Google Play.

Is there a free version or trial of PlotPilot?

Yes, PlotPilot offers a free version that allows users to enjoy a wide variety of audiobooks available on the platform. Free users are given 3 credits upon signing up and receive 2 credits each week. This gives you a chance to explore the app's capabilities and experience the magic of turning your story ideas into immersive audio experiences. If you wish to generate more than the weekly limit, you can explore the various subscription plans and packs that offer additional benefits and features.

What languages does PlotPilot support?

PlotPilot Audiobooks are currently available exclusively in English. However, the team is actively working on expanding the language offerings and is committed to introducing support for additional languages in the future. Stay connected for updates and announcements regarding new language additions.

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Next 06/06/2024 22:07

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