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Orga AI Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ from Orga AI

What is Orga AI?

Orga AI is a web app that allows users to interact with an AI in real-time during video calls. This AI can see, hear, and talk, recognizing sounds and voice tones with interactions taking less than 2 seconds.

How to use Orga AI?

To use Orga AI, simply connect through a video call and interact with the AI in real-time. It will see, hear, and talk to you, recognizing sounds and voice tones in under 2 seconds.

Can Orga AI recognize different voice tones in a video call?

Yes, Orga AI can recognize and distinguish different voice tones in real-time during a video call, allowing for natural interactions.

How fast is the interaction with Orga AI during a video call?

Orga AI's interactions take less than 2 seconds, providing a seamless real-time experience.

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