OppenheimerGPT's Core Features
Use ChatGPT and Bard side-by-side
Mirror your prompt into ChatGPT, Bard, Bing, and Google Search
Lives in the menubar for quick access
Launch multiple windows
Configure keyboard shortcuts
Use Bing and Google
See how ChatGPT and Bard respond to your prompts side-by-side
OppenheimerGPT's Use Cases
Get the best answer for your prompts
Access multiple AI models at the same time
Compare responses from ChatGPT and Bard
OppenheimerGPT Company
OppenheimerGPT Company name: OppenheimerGPT .
OppenheimerGPT Pricing
OppenheimerGPT Pricing Link: https://www.oppenheimer.app/#pricing