FAQ from Onlycoms.com
What is Onlycoms.com?
Only.Coms is a website that helps you easily find an available .com domain name for your next project.
How to use Onlycoms.com?
To use Only.Coms, simply provide a short description of your project and click on the 'Find available domains' button. AI-powered ChatGPT will generate a list of available .com domain names for your project.
What if I'm not satisfied with the generated domain names?
If you're not satisfied with the suggested domain names, you can click on 'More results' or 'Start over' to generate a new set of domain names.
Can I register the domain names directly on Only.Coms?
No, Only.Coms provides you with available .com domain name suggestions, but you will need to register the domain through a domain registrar of your choice.
Can I search for domains other than .com?
No, Only.Coms specializes in generating available .com domain names only.
Is Only.Coms affiliated with any domain registrar?
No, Only.Coms is an independent service and not affiliated with any specific domain registrar. You are free to register the suggested domain names with any registrar.
Is my project idea kept confidential?
Yes, Only.Coms respects your privacy and does not store or share any project descriptions provided by users.