
Libraria: Custom GPT Chatbots, AI Assistants, No Coding

Libraria is a platform that allows you to create custom GPT chatbots using your own data with no coding required. It offers a wide range of features and customization options to build AI assistants for various purposes such as work, education, or personal use.

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AI Directory : AI Analytics Assistant, AI Chatbot, AI Content Generator, AI Knowledge Base, AI Knowledge Management, No-Code&Low-Code, Writing Assistants

Libraria Website screenshot

What is Libraria?

Libraria is a platform that allows you to create custom GPT chatbots using your own data with no coding required. It offers a wide range of features and customization options to build AI assistants for various purposes such as work, education, or personal use.

How to use Libraria?

To use Libraria, follow these steps:
1. Import or sync your documents into Libraria, such as PDFs, Google Drive files, articles, or URLs.
2. Customize your AI assistant by giving it a name, avatar, prompts, and integrations.
3. Start querying your assistant for instant answers to your questions or embed it on your website.
4. Keep your assistant up-to-date by syncing it with your sources and adding more knowledge.

Libraria’s Core Features

Create custom GPT chatbots with your own data instantly

Import and sync various document types, including PDFs, Google Drive files, URLs, and more

Customize AI assistants with unique names, avatars, prompts, and integrations

Get instant answers from your AI assistant with referenced sources

Embed chatbots on websites or share them via links

Supports multiple use cases, including academics, businesses, authors, and personal use

Train your assistant without any coding by uploading documents, audio files, articles, and more

Accurate responses with AI preprocessing and prompt injection

Privacy features to control access to your assistant

Query history tracking and export for continuous improvement

Libraria’s Use Cases

"title": "Academics",
"description": "Create a customized AI assistant to enhance academic learning or teaching. Import thousands of PDFs from Google Drive and get instant answers, sources, and linked pages for each document. Ideal for organizing study materials and providing quick access to relevant information."

"title": "Authors",
"description": "Create a chatbot for each book and provide readers with instant answers to their questions about the content. Improve reader engagement and accessibility by embedding the chatbot on websites or sharing it via links."

"title": "Businesses",
"description": "Create an FAQ or chatbot to answer repetitive customer questions and reduce support team workload. Embed the chatbot on your website or share it with customers via a link. Increase efficiency and enhance customer experience."

"title": "Personal",
"description": "Create a personal chatbot to organize thoughts and ideas. Import notes from Google Drive and get GPT-powered responses to your questions. Personalize the assistant according to your preferences and use it as a productivity tool."

"title": "Characters",
"description": "Generate characters from imagination or recreate favorite characters from books and movies. Customize GPT prompts to make Chat GPT respond like the chosen character. Get instant answers and engage in unique conversations."

FAQ from Libraria

What is Libraria?

Libraria is a platform that allows you to create custom GPT chatbots using your own data with no coding required. It offers a wide range of features and customization options to build AI assistants for various purposes such as work, education, or personal use.

How to use Libraria?

To use Libraria, follow these steps:nn1. Import or sync your documents into Libraria, such as PDFs, Google Drive files, articles, or URLs.n2. Customize your AI assistant by giving it a name, avatar, prompts, and integrations.n3. Start querying your assistant for instant answers to your questions or embed it on your website.n4. Keep your assistant up-to-date by syncing it with your sources and adding more knowledge.

What makes Libraria different from competitors?

Libraria stands out with its rich response customization tools, internal linking capabilities, anti-hallucination features, and extensive data ingestion options. It allows you to control and customize the responses to align with your brand and provides safeguards against incorrect answers. Libraria accepts a wide range of data types and takes into account the specific type of data, such as YouTube videos, PDFs, Google Drive folders, and more, for optimizing responses.

Can I upload images?

Yes, you can upload images to your documents in Libraria. These images can be returned as part of the AI assistant's responses, making them more engaging and visually appealing.

How can I upload thousands of links or PDFs quickly?

For links, you can use bulk importing tools like uploading your sitemap or copy-pasting a set of links. For PDFs, you can upload them to a Google Drive folder, and Libraria will automatically scrape through all the PDFs, even if there are hundreds of them.

Does Libraria support team collaboration?

Yes, Libraria provides team features that allow you to add members to collaborate on your knowledge base. You can create multiple knowledge bases for different teams, making it easier to manage and share information within your organization.

Can I create a digital twin of myself?

Yes, it is possible to create a digital twin of yourself using Libraria. This approach requires describing how you speak, prompt engineering, and fine-tuning. Bloggers have found success using Libraria to create digital versions of themselves. You can reach out to Bea in the Libraria Discord community for assistance in this process.

What is the Libraria guarantee?

If you are not satisfied with Libraria, you can request a full refund within 30 days of signup. Beyond the first 30 days, you can cancel your subscription at any time, and you will not be charged for the next billing cycle. Refunds are not available for past billing cycles.

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Next 17/06/2024 01:50

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