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Kroolo Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ from Kroolo

What is Kroolo?

Kroolo is an AI-powered Smart Productivity platform that allows you to manage multiple Workspaces, Projects, Tasks, Goals, Documents, and communicate seamlessly with your entire team in one seamless hub. It is a productivity management software that is designed to save 10 hours a week through AI automation.

How to use Kroolo?

To use Kroolo, sign up for free and start managing your projects, tasks, and documents with AI automation. You can create goals, organize teams, and collaborate efficiently within the workspace.

Can I start with a trial version before committing?

Yes, you can sign up for a free trial of Kroolo to explore its features and see how it can benefit your productivity.

How can I boost my team's productivity with Kroolo?

Kroolo provides seamless collaboration, AI-based task management, and goal tracking to enhance team productivity. By using its integrated features, teams can work more efficiently and achieve their goals.

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