
KoppieOS: Seamless GPT-4 Chat & Local LLMs with 3D AI Avatar

Connect Seamlessly with GPT-4 and Local LLMs. Chat with GPT-4 and local LLMs from your personalized desktop space, complete with a 3D AI Avatar and custom wallpapers.

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What is KoppieOS?

Connect Seamlessly with GPT-4 and Local LLMs. Chat with GPT-4 and local LLMs from your personalized desktop space, complete with a 3D AI Avatar and custom wallpapers.

How to use KoppieOS?

Download the KoppieOS software on Windows or Mac, create a personalized desktop environment, and start chatting with GPT-4 and local LLMs. Use features like Quick Ask GPT, Save to Note, Chat Editor, and App Launcher.

KoppieOS’s Core Features

Quick Ask GPT

Save to Note

App Launcher

KoppieOS’s Use Cases

Get quick answers from GPT-4

Save important information to notes

Effortlessly launch apps on your computer

FAQ from KoppieOS

What is KoppieOS?

Connect Seamlessly with GPT-4 and Local LLMs. Chat with GPT-4 and local LLMs from your personalized desktop space, complete with a 3D AI Avatar and custom wallpapers.

How to use KoppieOS?

Download the KoppieOS software on Windows or Mac, create a personalized desktop environment, and start chatting with GPT-4 and local LLMs. Use features like Quick Ask GPT, Save to Note, Chat Editor, and App Launcher.

Can KoppieOS work on Windows and MacOS?

Yes, KoppieOS works on Windows and MacOS. Plans for iOS and Android versions are underway.

Can LLM in KoppieOS search web information?

Yes, all LLMs in KoppieOS have web search capabilities without additional charge for GPT-4.

Is KoppieOS an alternative to RayCast AI?

Yes, KoppieOS offers similar features to RayCast with AI capabilities like GPT-4 for chat interactions.

Is KoppieOS free to use?

Yes, KoppieOS is free to use with initial AI credits. More credits can be earned through referrals and feedback.

Is KoppieOS an AI copilot?

Yes, KoppieOS serves as an AI copilot for work tasks and provides fun features like new wallpapers and desktop buddies.

Can KoppieOS run LLM locally?

Yes, local LLM support is coming soon, ensuring data privacy by not sending private data to servers during LLM operations.

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