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JustI18n Introduction

What is JustI18n?

JustI18n is an Artificial Intelligence-driven localization tool that allows you to make your products available to the world. It provides a seamless and efficient solution for internationalization by leveraging the power of ChatGPT.

How to use JustI18n?

To use JustI18n, follow these simple steps: 1. Download the i18n resource file in JSON format or load it from a Chrome extension's message files or Java properties resource bundles. 2. Drag and drop the i18n resource file into the left sidebar of the website. 3. Customize the localization settings and choose the target language for internationalization. 4. Run JustI18n locally on your browser to preview the localized content. 5. Check the compatibility and regenerate the content if needed. 6. JustI18n also supports Chrome extensions and Java properties, allowing you to seamlessly integrate localization into your development process. 7. You can even use your own OpenAI API key for additional customization possibilities.

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