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AI ディレクトリ : AI Analytics Assistant, AI Customer Service Assistant, AI Detector

ScamAlert Website screenshot

What is ScamAlert?

Protect yourself from scams and make informed decisions with ScamAlert, the ultimate platform against online fraud.

How to use ScamAlert?

Sign up on ScamAlert, report suspicious activities, interact with the community, and receive timely alerts to outsmart scammers.

ScamAlert's Core Features

AI Powered Analysis

Manual Reviews

Social Community

Timely Alerts

Call Centre

ScamAlert's Use Cases

Preventing online scams and fraud

Safeguarding personal information from phishing attempts

FAQ from ScamAlert

What is ScamAlert?

Protect yourself from scams and make informed decisions with ScamAlert, the ultimate platform against online fraud.

How to use ScamAlert?

Sign up on ScamAlert, report suspicious activities, interact with the community, and receive timely alerts to outsmart scammers.

How does ScamAlert protect me from scams?

ScamAlert uses AI analysis, manual reviews, and community reports to ensure your safety online.

Previous 09/07/2024 06:00
Next 09/07/2024 06:11

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