
Intently: AI-Powered LinkedIn Data Search Tool for Efficiency

Intently helps you search through LinkedIn data using AI.

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Intently Website screenshot

What is Intently?

Intently helps you search through LinkedIn data using AI.

How to use Intently?

Discover ready-to buy prospects, break into key accounts, and accelerate deal cycles with the power of sales intelligence.

Intently’s Core Features

Access to 500M people and 40M firmographic data entries

Communicate in natural language with the data

Find more deal champions within accounts

Get lead lists ranked by buying potential

Intently’s Use Cases

Validate ideal customer profiles on a scale with your team

Find thousands of your best customers using look-alike

Track prospect activity with real-time data

FAQ from Intently

What is Intently?

Intently helps you search through LinkedIn data using AI.

How to use Intently?

Discover ready-to buy prospects, break into key accounts, and accelerate deal cycles with the power of sales intelligence.

How does Intently work?

Intently analyzes a wealth of data from sources like LinkedIn, X, and Facebook to identify leads with the highest potential to convert. It also allows users to communicate with the data in natural language and provides insights into prospect behavior.

What are the core features of Intently?

The core features of Intently include access to a vast database of people and firmographic data, natural language communication with the data, finding deal champions within accounts, and receiving lead lists ranked by buying potential.

What are the use cases for Intently?

Intently can be used to validate ideal customer profiles, find look-alike customers, and track prospect activity with real-time data.

Is there a free trial available?

Yes, you can try Intently for free.

Who uses Intently?

Intently is trusted by 100+ companies as their secret weapon to close six-figure deals.

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