Hiree365's Core Features
Campus Recruitment Management
Connect students with employment opportunities
Direct engagement with universities
Access to a global pool of verified candidates
Hiree365's Use Cases
Universities and colleges managing campus recruitments
Employers attracting better candidates
Government agencies developing work-integrated learning programs
Students finding jobs related to their university courses
Hiree365 Support Email & Customer service contact & Refund contact etc.
More Contact, visit the contact us page(https://www.hiree365.com/contact-us)
Hiree365 Company
More about Hiree365, Please visit the about us page(https://www.hiree365.com/about-us).
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Hiree365 Login Link: https://app.hiree365.com/
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Hiree365 Sign up Link: https://app.hiree365.com/register/
Hiree365 Pricing
Hiree365 Pricing Link: https://www.hiree365.com/pricing
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