Fluently AI

Fluently AI: Accent Refinement, Grammar Aid, Vocabulary Boost

Fluently is a personal speaking coach powered by AI that delivers instant feedback on day-to-day calls to refine accents, improve grammar, and expand vocabulary. It supports every meeting platform and provides personalized insights based on real-life calls.

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AI Directory : AI Grammar Checker, AI Speech Recognition, Recording, Speech-to-Text

Fluently AI Website screenshot

What is Fluently AI?

Fluently is a personal speaking coach powered by AI that delivers instant feedback on day-to-day calls to refine accents, improve grammar, and expand vocabulary. It supports every meeting platform and provides personalized insights based on real-life calls.

How to use Fluently AI?

Simply download the app and launch Fluently on your device. It activates automatically during English calls, providing personalized feedback after each call to help improve your speaking skills.

Fluently AI’s Core Features

Instant feedback on day-to-day calls

Accent refinement and grammar improvement

Vocabulary expansion

Automatic activation during calls

Fluently AI’s Use Cases

Perfecting accent and grammar during daily English calls

Expanding vocabulary through real-life conversations

  • Fluently AI Support Email & Customer service contact & Refund contact etc.

    Here is the Fluently AI support email for customer service: [email protected] .

  • Fluently AI Company

    Fluently AI Company name: Fluently Inc. .

FAQ from Fluently AI

What is Fluently AI?

Fluently is a personal speaking coach powered by AI that delivers instant feedback on day-to-day calls to refine accents, improve grammar, and expand vocabulary. It supports every meeting platform and provides personalized insights based on real-life calls.

How to use Fluently AI?

Simply download the app and launch Fluently on your device. It activates automatically during English calls, providing personalized feedback after each call to help improve your speaking skills.

Is Fluently compatible with all meeting platforms?

Yes, Fluently supports every meeting platform, ensuring that you receive personalized feedback on your English calls regardless of the platform you use.

Can Fluently analyze and provide feedback for common mistakes in spoken English?

Absolutely, Fluently helps to identify and fix common mistakes in spoken English, allowing you to refine your speaking skills effectively.

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