AI Directory : AI Art Generator, AI Photo & Image Generator, AI Photography
What is Flaminyo?
Discover and download high-quality, royalty-free stock photos for free. Plus, unleash your creativity by uploading your own AI-generated photos.
How to use Flaminyo?
To use Flaminyo, simply browse and download high-quality stock photos for free. You can also upload your own AI-generated photos to share with the community.
Flaminyo's Core Features
Free high-quality stock photos
AI-generated photos
Royalty-free licensing
Upload and share your own photos
Flaminyo's Use Cases
Website design
Blog posts
Social media content
Flaminyo Login
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Flaminyo Sign up
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FAQ from Flaminyo
What is Flaminyo?
Discover and download high-quality, royalty-free stock photos for free. Plus, unleash your creativity by uploading your own AI-generated photos.
How to use Flaminyo?
To use Flaminyo, simply browse and download high-quality stock photos for free. You can also upload your own AI-generated photos to share with the community.
What type of photos can I upload?
You can only upload photos that you have captured yourself or have the right to use. You must own the copyright or have permission from the copyright owner.
What are the quality standards for uploaded content?
We only accept high-quality photos and videos with a resolution of at least 4MP.
What content is not allowed?
We do not accept content that includes graphic nudity, violence, or hate speech.
Do I need model releases for my photos?
If your photos or videos contain recognizable individuals, you must provide a valid model release form for each person depicted.
Do I need property releases for my photos?
If your photos or videos include private property, you must provide a valid property release form for each property depicted.
What metadata should I include with my uploaded content?
All uploaded content must include accurate and relevant metadata, such as titles, descriptions, and keywords.
What licensing terms apply to uploaded content?
By uploading your content, you grant us a non-exclusive license to distribute and license your content to third parties. All uploaded content will be distributed under a royalty-free license, allowing users to download and use it without paying royalties or license fees.
How do you handle copyright infringement?
We respect intellectual property rights and comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. If you believe your copyright has been infringed, please follow our DMCA takedown process.