
ezsales.ai : GPT-4 Lead Generation, LinkedIn Export, AI Emails

All-in-one tool to help you find and generate leads using GPT-4. This app exports leads from the LinkedIn Sales navigator, finds their contact info, and then crafts personalized emails using AI, based on your product description and your target persona.

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AI Directory : AI Analytics Assistant, AI Content Generator, AI Email Assistant, AI Email Generator, AI Email Marketing, AI Email Writer, AI Lead Generation, Sales Assistant, Writing Assistants

ezsales.ai Website screenshot

What is ezsales.ai?

All-in-one tool to help you find and generate leads using GPT-4. This app exports leads from the LinkedIn Sales navigator, finds their contact info, and then crafts personalized emails using AI, based on your product description and your target persona.

How to use ezsales.ai?

STEP 1: Load prospects by uploading a CSV file or entering their full name and company name.
STEP 2: Click "Write" to analyze the websites and social media profiles of your prospects and generate highly personalized emails.
STEP 3: Send the emails directly from our application or export them into your CRM.

ezsales.ai’s Core Features

Export leads from LinkedIn Sales navigator

Generate personalized emails using AI

Find contact information of prospects

Customized ice-breaker, sales pitch, and CTA in emails

ezsales.ai’s Use Cases

Cold outreach for B2B sales

Lead generation and prospecting

Automated personalized email campaigns

FAQ from ezsales.ai

What is ezsales.ai?

All-in-one tool to help you find and generate leads using GPT-4. This app exports leads from the LinkedIn Sales navigator, finds their contact info, and then crafts personalized emails using AI, based on your product description and your target persona.

How to use ezsales.ai?

STEP 1: Load prospects by uploading a CSV file or entering their full name and company name.nSTEP 2: Click "Write" to analyze the websites and social media profiles of your prospects and generate highly personalized emails.nSTEP 3: Send the emails directly from our application or export them into your CRM.

How does ezsales.ai work?

ezsales.ai analyzes the websites and social media profiles of your prospects. It then generates highly personalized emails based on your product description and target persona. You can send the emails directly from the application or export them into your CRM.

What can I do with ezsales.ai?

With ezsales.ai, you can write personalized emails for your prospects, find leads on LinkedIn Sales Navigator and export them to a CSV file, and easily find contact details such as email, phone number, and social media links.

Is there a limit to the number of leads I can export?

You can export up to 5000 leads per day using the ezsales.ai Chrome extension.

Can I integrate ezsales.ai with my CRM?

Yes, you can export the personalized emails into your CRM for seamless integration.

Previous 15/06/2024 16:07
Next 15/06/2024 16:23

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