
Dreamlook.ai : Lightning-fast, Stable Diffusion Fine-Tuning

Lightning-fast Stable Diffusion finetuning

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AI Directory : AI Art Generator, AI Content Generator, AI Photo & Image Generator

dreamlook.ai Website screenshot

What is dreamlook.ai?

Lightning-fast Stable Diffusion finetuning

How to use dreamlook.ai?

Enable JavaScript to run the app and start training or generating Stable Diffusion images.

dreamlook.ai's Core Features

Finetune Stable Diffusion models in minutes

Train models 2.5x faster and scale up to 1000s of runs per day

Generate Stable Diffusion images at breakneck speed

Extract LoRA files to reduce downloaded file size

Powerful SDXL full model training

Create virtual photoshoots

Create stock images

Precise posing with ControlNet

dreamlook.ai's Use Cases

Train models on dogs, cats, and other pets

Create dark images with Offset Noise

Quickly compare base models

Power your pet avatar app

Create QR code styles

FAQ from dreamlook.ai

What is dreamlook.ai?

Lightning-fast Stable Diffusion finetuning

How to use dreamlook.ai?

Enable JavaScript to run the app and start training or generating Stable Diffusion images.

Do you provide an API for training and generation?

Yes, we offer an API for Stable Diffusion training and generation.

Can I download the trained model checkpoint?

Yes, you can download the trained model checkpoint.

Is Stable Diffusion XL (SDXL) available?

Yes, SDXL is available and supported.

Can I train LoRAs? Can I extract LoRA files from trained models?

Yes, you can train LoRAs and extract LoRA files from trained models.

Can I train models on objects or styles?

Yes, you can train models on objects or styles.

Can I use models trained on dreamlook.ai in AUTOMATIC1111?

Yes, you can use models trained on dreamlook.ai in AUTOMATIC1111.

Can I use models trained on dreamlook.ai on RunDiffusion/ThinkDiffusion?

Yes, you can use models trained on dreamlook.ai on RunDiffusion/ThinkDiffusion.

Is Offset Noise available?

Yes, Offset Noise is available.

Are you sacrificing quality for speed?

No, we prioritize both quality and speed.

What happens to the images I upload? and to my trained models?

The images you upload and your trained models are securely processed and stored.

Previous 14/06/2024 11:21
Next 14/06/2024 11:36

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