FAQ from Discuro
What is Discuro?
Discuro is the all-in-one platform for developers looking to easily build, test & consume AI work-flows through OpenAI.
How to use Discuro?
Rapidly build, test & deploy complex AI workflows on top of OpenAI's GPT-3 AI as a service with our easy-to-use interface. Easily chain prompt templates together in powerful ways, execute your work-flows with one API call.
What can I build with Discuro?
Discuro allows you to build, test, and consume complex AI work-flows using OpenAI models like GPT-3 and DALLE-2. It enables easy integration and extraction of data via API.
How does Discuro work?
Discuro provides an easy-to-use interface to rapidly build, test, and deploy AI work-flows on OpenAI's GPT-3 AI service. You can chain prompt templates together and execute work-flows with a simple API call.
How can I monitor AI usage across my work-flows?
Discuro allows you to tag executions with meta-data and easily monitor AI usage. This helps you make better decisions based on how users are consuming AI.