Dialog AI

**Dialog AI: AI-Powered Interview Platform for Recruitment Success**

AI-powered interview platform for recruitment

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AI Directory : AI Interview Assistant, AI Recruiting

Dialog AI Website screenshot

What is Dialog AI?

Dialog AI is an interview platform that uses advanced conversational AI to streamline recruitment by conducting real-time, interactive interviews covering technical, coding, and phone screens. It ensures a consistent and fair process and generates customized reports after each interview to aid in confident hiring decisions.

How to use Dialog AI?

To use Dialog AI, securely upload candidate details, schedule interviews, and receive comprehensive feedback reports tailored to your hiring criteria.

Dialog AI's Core Features

Automated scheduling

Live AI interviews

Instant feedback

Dialog AI's Use Cases

Conducting technical, coding, and phone screen interviews

Receiving detailed reports after each interview

FAQ from Dialog AI

What is Dialog AI?

Dialog AI is an interview platform that uses advanced conversational AI to streamline recruitment by conducting real-time, interactive interviews covering technical, coding, and phone screens. It ensures a consistent and fair process and generates customized reports after each interview to aid in confident hiring decisions.

How to use Dialog AI?

To use Dialog AI, securely upload candidate details, schedule interviews, and receive comprehensive feedback reports tailored to your hiring criteria.

How does Dialog AI streamline recruitment?

Dialog AI streamlines recruitment by conducting real-time interactive interviews, generating customized reports, and automating interview scheduling.

Can Dialog AI be used for different types of interviews?

Yes, Dialog AI covers technical, coding, and phone screen interviews to ensure a comprehensive evaluation of candidates.

Previous 08/08/2024 19:46
Next 08/08/2024 19:56

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