WebWise ChatGPT - Chrome Extension

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KI-Verzeichnis : AI Chatbot, Browser Extension, Large Language Models (LLMs)

WebWise ChatGPT - Chrome Extension Website screenshot

What is WebWise ChatGPT ai chrome extension?

WebWise ChatGPT is a browser extension for easy ChatGPT access without an API, providing quick access from the toolbar and navigation bar along with search engine answers. It maintains longer ChatGPT sessions for uninterrupted usage.

How to use WebWise ChatGPT ai chrome extension?

Log in to chat.openai.com and access ChatGPT from the toolbar or by typing 'gpt' in the navigation bar. Obtain answers from search result pages, run ChatGPT from the context menu, and ensure a prolonged session by periodic pinging.

WebWise ChatGPT ai chrome extension's Core Features

One-click ChatGPT access from the browser toolbar

Quick access via navigation bar with 'gpt' command

Search engine answers integration

Context menu ChatGPT running

Session longevity maintenance

WebWise ChatGPT ai chrome extension's Use Cases

Instant ChatGPT access during browsing

Effortless ChatGPT exploration from search results

FAQ from WebWise ChatGPT - Chrome Extension

What is WebWise ChatGPT?

WebWise ChatGPT is a browser extension for easy ChatGPT access without an API, providing quick access from the toolbar and navigation bar along with search engine answers. It maintains longer ChatGPT sessions for uninterrupted usage.

How to use WebWise ChatGPT?

Log in to chat.openai.com and access ChatGPT from the toolbar or by typing 'gpt' in the navigation bar. Obtain answers from search result pages, run ChatGPT from the context menu, and ensure a prolonged session by periodic pinging.

Encountering errors on login?

Try reopening the site due to high demand.

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