Conch AI

Conch AI : Transform Writing, Studying & Research with AI

Write, study & research faster with AI

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AI Directory : AI Checker Essay, AI Content Detector, AI Content Generator, AI Detector, AI Education Assistant, AI Rewriter, Essay Writer, General Writing, Homework Helper, Large Language Models (LLMs), Papers, Paraphraser, Research Tool, Writing Assistants

Conch AI Website screenshot

What is Conch AI?

Write, study & research faster with AI

How to use Conch AI?

1. Store your work in Conch's file management system 2. Humanize your essay by using your own writing style 3. Ask Conch for instant answers 4. Let Conch generate the next sentence for you 5. Improve your writing skills with Conch

Conch AI's Core Features

Humanize AI-written text

Create flashcards and notes from any file/live recording

Chat with any file

Conch AI's Use Cases

Elevate your writing or research skills

Breeze through homework

Get information for research

Write job applications or resumes

Blog posts

FAQ from Conch AI

What is Conch AI?

Write, study & research faster with AI

How to use Conch AI?

1. Store your work in Conch's file management systemn2. Humanize your essay by using your own writing stylen3. Ask Conch for instant answersn4. Let Conch generate the next sentence for youn5. Improve your writing skills with Conch

What are Tokens?

Tokens are used to pay for AI features within Conch. They can be earned or purchased.

Is there a free plan?

Yes, Conch offers a free plan to get started with basic features.

Is the content from Conch original?

Conch uses AI to assist in writing and research but does not generate original content.

What languages does Conch support?

Conch supports multiple languages for writing and research purposes.

Still have any questions? Contact us

For any further questions or support, you can contact Conch's customer support.

Previous 02/06/2024 02:43
Next 02/06/2024 02:58

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