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Ceeya Features

Ceeya's Core Features

AI-generated content cards: Create personalized, engaging, and viral content cards tailored to your goals and audience.

AI-generated insights: Educate and enlighten your audience with AI-generated insights.

Monetization opportunities: Offer valuable services to your audience and get paid for your expertise.

Streamlined bookings: Easily manage and streamline bookings to grow your business.

Email subscriptions: Grow your email subscriptions and boost interactions with your audience.

Versatile sharing: Effortlessly share your content cards on various platforms to expand your reach and amplify your presence.

Ceeya's Use Cases

Business Coach: Enhance your personal brand as a business coach by sharing AI-generated insights, offering valuable coaching services, and streamlining bookings.

Writer: Elevate your writing career by creating viral content cards with AI-generated content, engaging with your audience through polls and thought of the day cards, and monetizing your expertise through paid services.

Growth Hacker: Utilize Ceeya's AI technology to drive growth for businesses by creating engaging content cards, providing valuable growth hacking insights, and expanding your reach through cross-promotion.

Creator: Unleash your creativity and build your personal brand as a creator by using AI-generated content cards to share your work, engage with your audience, and monetize your creativity.

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