Be Your Best

Be Your Best: Enhance Vision, Decision Making, Cognitive Skills

See more of the field and get ahead by improving your vision, decision making and other cognitive skillsets.

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Be Your Best Website screenshot

What is Be Your Best?

See more of the field and get ahead by improving your vision, decision making and other cognitive skillsets.

How to use Be Your Best?

Our two main training modes, developed to improve performance: Scenarios and Matchplay. Use the Companion app to follow your progress, compete in leaderboards, and review your sessions.

Be Your Best's Core Features

Improvement of vision, decision making, and cognitive skills

AI training mode

Real-life pro game scenarios

Companion app for tracking progress

Scanning and cognitive metrics

Insights and analysis from expert coaches and analysts

Be Your Best's Use Cases

Football players of all levels

Players looking to improve their scanning, vision, and decision making skills

Clubs and teams looking to enhance player performance

Players undergoing injury recovery

FAQ from Be Your Best

What is Be Your Best?

See more of the field and get ahead by improving your vision, decision making and other cognitive skillsets.

How to use Be Your Best?

Our two main training modes, developed to improve performance: Scenarios and Matchplay. Use the Companion app to follow your progress, compete in leaderboards, and review your sessions.

How long does it take to see improvements?

On average, players experience a 28% increase in scan rate after training with Be Your Best. It typically takes around 9 weeks to achieve this improvement.

What is the impact of scanning on forward pass completion?

Players with a higher scan rate make over twice as many successful forward passes than those who scan less.

Is Be Your Best suitable for all levels of football players?

Yes, Be Your Best is designed for football players of all levels who want to improve their vision, decision making, and cognitive skills.

Can clubs and teams use Be Your Best?

Yes, Be Your Best is suitable for clubs and teams looking to enhance player performance.

Can Be Your Best be used during injury recovery?

Yes, Be Your Best can be used by players undergoing injury recovery to continue training their cognitive skills.

Previous 29/06/2024 21:38
Next 29/06/2024 21:47

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